Whats New At

- Added a link back to Blackroot
Enterprises, the host for this site. 1/10/99
- Performed general site clean-up. 11/21/98
- Moved this site to a new server. 10/10/98
- Added the Site to the Middle Eastern Dance WebRing.
- Regular maintenance done to the site. 4/11/98
- Modified the Guide Page. Sound Files marked by sound Icon.
- Added a Link to Percussions East on the Resources
Page. 3/20/98
- Added a link to Kesslar's
Ultimate Doumbek Video. 3/17/98
- Moved the site and did some cleaning up. 2/4/98
- Moved this collection of pages to <www.blackroot.org>
- Corrected some corruption that had crept into the
- Switched the existing sound files with uLaw sound
- Changed Silvanus and Daveed's
- Added a few minor items. 1/16/97
- My 'signature' with a surprise link.
- A link to a page on the Conga.
- Wholesale Remodeling of the site. 1/1/97
- Restructured Site.
- Added this page.
- Modified the Rhythm Guide
- Added some new variations.
- Split the Guide into three pages to make it more
convinient for printing.
- Added Sound Files for Ayoub and Beladi. (Others to come
- Added Links/Resources Page.
to Mas'uds
All artwork contained on this site, with the exception of the
background and the hawk above, was provided by Blackroot Enterprises
and may not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever either in whole or
in part without written permission of the copyright owner, authorized
agents or representatives.
- © 1996, 1997, 1998 Eric C. Smith
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